Make your voice heard & stand up for what you believe in! Positive change is possible honoring the social justice movements passionately dedicated to a better future.
MANATEE Appreciation Day ORIGIN & HISTORY Organizations aim to protect vulnerable manatees and their aquatic habitat for future generations to…
🥗 World OBESITY Day ORIGIN & HISTORY World OBESITY Day is celebrated on the 4th Day in March. The first…
National SCHOOL BREAKFAST Week ORIGIN & HISTORY National SCHOOL BREAKFAST Week is celebrated during the 1st full week in March…
🌊 DOLPHIN Awareness Month ORIGIN & HISTORY Dolphins are very kind and the smartest animal in the ocean. These wonderful…
🚯 National SKIP the STRAW Day ORIGIN & HISTORY A group of nine 8th-graders called the Coral Keepers along with…
🫑 LET'S ALL EAT RIGHT Day ORIGIN & HISTORY LET'S ALL EAT RIGHT Day is celebrated on the 25th Day…
🌍 World CANCER Day ORIGIN & HISTORY World CANCER Day began in 2000 at the World Cancer Summit Against Cancer…
📆 National CLEAN YOUR DESK Day ORIGIN & HISTORY Neither the founder nor the creative origin of this holiday has…
🗑️ STOP FOOD WASTE Day ORIGIN & HISTORY STOP FOOD WASTE Day is a time to reduce food waste globally.…