2️⃣•2️⃣2️⃣•2️⃣2️⃣ 💕
TWOSDAY is celebrated on the 22nd Day of the 2nd Month in the Year 2022, which falls on the 2nd day of the work week!
Well, it’s actually an ordinary day on a Tuesday except that this Tuesday happens to fall on the date February 2nd, 2022 which is 2-22-22. Astrologers like to call this a lucky day.
The date 2-22-22 can be written backward as 22-22-2 and is still read the same.
If you’re in the part of the world that writes out the day first before the month like in the UK, you would have 22.02.2022 which is still a palindrome date – where you can read it from both ends.
A palindrome is a series of numbers or letters that reads the same whether you’re going forward or backward. Some example dates would be 12-11-21, 12-22-21, 09-22-2290, or 10-02-2001.
The first palindromes were found as graffiti at Herculaneum, an ancient city in Campania, Italy that was buried in the aftermath of Mount Vesuvius’ eruption in 79 AD. They were also found in ancient Greek and Sanskrit too. The oldest Roman one is written in Latin: sator arepo tenet opera rotas which can be translated as either “The sower Arepo leads with his hand the plough” or “wheels with effort.”
Is your head spinning yet? It’s not only a palindrome (read the same from the left or right horizontally) but it’s also an ambigram (read the same whether it’s right side up or upside-down vertically)
Two hundred years later we’ll have 2-22-2222 BUT this falls on a Friday and isn’t nearly as exciting. So you see a TWOSDAY Tuesday is a very rare event.
The number 2 is often connected with heightened intuition, sensitivity, strength, and power that results from the association, cooperation, love, harmony, and communication through relationships. The number 22 is even more powerful in all of the aforementioned things. Two is understood to be a master number when it comes to numerology, so a date with this many twos has some chart toppin’ spiritual significance.
Meanwhile, the number 222 is considered a magical angel number representing a fresh start so powerful it’s used to shape our lives and represents where someone is meant to be at this moment. When numerologists or fans of numerology wish to see if they’re on the right path laid out for them, oftentimes the angel number is what they look for.
TWOSDAY has six TWOs making it easier to move past tougher times through kindness, approval, and understanding from others. And don’t forget that this TWOSDAY falls on an actual Tuesday making enthusiasts even more excited to harness the power of two sets of angel numbers.
If all of this intrigues you, there’s an essay entitled THE 45 OR THE NINE which expounds that every man is Adam or אדם and is numbered as 45 … which causes them to remain The Nine.
On this date, both the sun and the planet Jupiter will be crossing through Pisces, a water sign, while the moon travels through the fixed water sign of Scorpio.
The moon being in Scorpio shows challenging times up ahead, but your emotional passion can help turn the tides of the test laid out before you.
Jupiter being in Pisces is said to be a golden opportunity to achieve your hopes, desires, wishes, and dreams. The fact that the sun is also here means the entire day of TWOSDAY radiates through your particular goals and pursuits. And that’s probably a good thing.
Not sure how to LOVE the day? We’ve got a few interesting ideas to consider that may help get you started.
Here are some activities that you can do on TWOSDAY!
Start your countdown at 2:22 am or 22:22 (10:22 pm).
Stretch by touching your toes two times. First warm up by jogging two laps around the gym or outside, then do two squats, two situps, two squat jumps, two side shuffles touching both walls, two pushups followed by 22 burpees, 22 lunges on each side, jump rope 22 times, 22 star jacks, and finish it off by doing high knees for 22 seconds for a proper challenge!
Many businesses are having sale offers on two-fers meaning 2-for-1 cheeseburgers, wax sessions, tacos, you name it! National Margarita Day is also today. Burger King and Grub Hub are having a 22% discount. You can get a Wayback burger for $2.22!
Eat some Double Stuf Oreo chocolate sandwich cookies.
Use social media posts with the hashtags #TWOSDAY, #TwoTwoTwentyTwo, #PalindromeDate, #Palindrome, #Ambigram, #FunHolidays, #FebruaryHolidays, #Holiday, #FindADayToLOVE, #iHEARTdays to support the importance of celebrating, promoting, and sharing with the world why you ❤️ TWOSDAY.
American statesman, military general, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. His will was set up to free all 577 slaves upon his wife’s death. The only president to go into battle during his term, to never live in the White House, and have an entire state named after. Born 1732.
“I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.”
“It is better to be alone than in bad company.”
British officer who wrote many training manuals which later helped him become the founder of the modern Boy Scout and Girl Guide movements. Sometimes he would skip class to go spend time in the woods tracking and trapping animals as a child. Born 1857.
“I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life.”
Canadian pioneer inventor in mobile wireless communication best known for making early versions of “walkie-talkie” two-way radios, telephone pager, and the mobile or cordless phone which he tried in vain to get Bell Telephone Labs interested in such a device due to their landline monopoly. Born 1918.
“I was born thirty-five years too soon. If I still had the patents on my inventions, I would be as rich as Bill Gates and he would have to stand aside for me.”
Year | Day | Full Date |
2023 | March 20 | 3/20/2023 |
2024 | April 20 | 4/20/2024 |
2025 | May 20 | 5/20/2025 |
2026 | June 20 | 6/20/2026 |
2027 | July 20 | 7/20/2027 |
2028 | August 20 | 8/20/2028 |
2029 | September 20 | 9/20/2029 |
2030 | March 2 | 3/2/2030 |
2031 | January 30 | 1/30/2031 |
2033 | March 30 | 3/30/2033 |
I used to be a numismatist when I was younger and was always fascinated with numbers and coins. With Abraham Lincoln on the penny and John F Kennedy on the half dollar, some say that numerology connects the two presidents. Consider this:
Both assassinations take place on the same day of the week – Friday.
Number of letters in both Kennedy and Lincoln’s last names.
Number of letters in both assassinating assailants’ names.
Lincoln was elected in 1860 while Kennedy was elected in 1960.
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