It probably arose from a shared chuckle about a universal bodily function that still gets treated with awkwardness and hushed tones. Neither the founder nor the creative origin of this holiday has ever truly been established. We do know National PASS GAS Day is celebrated on the 7th Day in January.
This day lets us embrace the funny in the inevitable, acknowledging something everyone experiencesย … even if we sometimes try to hold it in! In the words of Steve Urkel: “Did I do thaaat?”
Regardless of its origins, National PASS GAS Day has become a playful reminder that bodily functions, however unglamorous, are a normal part of being human. It’s a day to break taboos with a smile, share a smelly giggle, and maybe even appreciate the wonders of our digestive systems (from a safe distance, of course).
While encouraging chuckles, let’s keep things respectful and mindful of our surroundings when releasing the celebratory toots! Some of us are more potently dangerous than others.
Possible ORIGINS
Although the first documented puffs of National PASS GAS Day are somewhat unclear, here’s what we’ve gathered so far regarding its origin story & history. It seems to appear in the mid-1990s in newspaper articles and on humor websites but its origin still remains shrouded in a stinky cloud of mist. Conspiracy theorists speculate this might be a clever marketing scheme hatched by a company selling gas-relief products. You can decide for yourself.
It’s history might be a little bit gassy at the moment, but its lighthearted spirit lives on at least in the privacy of your own olfactory space! Remember World SMILE Day is celebrated on October 4th.