
๐Ÿฅท International NINJA Day 2025 โ€“ Dec 5

The ways of the Ninja were the original ancient black ops utilizing pyschological self-defense.

Ninjutsu began as military tactics during wartime as opposed to peacetime counterparts such as jiu-jitsu & akido. ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต

๐Ÿฏ International NINJA Day ORIGIN & HISTORY

International NINJA Day is celebrated on the 5th Day in December.

Can’t we all just agree that Ninjas are awesome? They maintain healthy eating and exercise. They have superior physical fitness. On December 5th get in on Ninja action. Ninja Burger created International Ninja Day on December 5 in 2003. The burgers were delivered from Ninja Burger with Ninja โ€œspeed.โ€ Although the premise of the day seems hokey, appreciation of the art of the Ninja is definitely not hokey and deserves to be celebrated for all that it is.

Ninjas in the movies are viewed as concealed warriors that often have mystical abilities. However, ninjas came from feudal Japan and were called Shinobi. Shinobi or ninjas were used as spies by the upper class and were both female and male. Apparently, the first ninja was said to have lived Between 574 and 622 his name was Otomono Sahito and was hired to do the bidding by Prince Shotoku. Ninjas were from the lower class and hired by nobility and samarai to act as spies. The art of the stealth ninja came about approximately 600 to 900 A.D.

The Tang Dynasty of China collapsed and the Tang Generals fled from China to Japan. Chinese tactics for battle and philosophy were then adopted in Japan. This all but wiped out the ninjas. The fighting style of the ninjas was called ninjutsu but became obsolete. It was replaced with their new applications of battle strategies which began to be practiced. The skills of open hand to hand fighting would not prevail against Chinese battle strategies.

In 1020, Chinese monks learned battle strategies and medical knowledge in Tibet and India. These monks also came to Japan. Their methods were referred to as Yamabushi. They helped make up the first clans of ninja warriors. These ninja clans helped to open the first ninja schools.

Over time through honor and tradition the ninja warriors developed their ways and opened these schools to teach the way of the ninja. The ninjas were started by a Chinese monkย  Kain Doshi who came to Japan and a samuraiย  called Daisuke Togakure. He would not be compelled to commit seppuku, which is to sacrifice your life because youย  dishonored your clan after losing in a battle. After losing and having to forfeit his title he fled instead of committing seppuku. Together they adopted a new style of guerilla fighting which was called ninjustu which they began teaching in the first ninja school called their ninja ryu school in Togakureryu.

Japan saw the period of rise and fall of the ninja which began between the 1300s and 1600s until peace and stability came to Japan in 1603 during the Edo Period under the Tokugawa a shogunate. Up until that time Japan went through periods of war and all sides used fighting styles of the ninja. The ninja learned ways to adapt living life in a way that offered protection from threats. They used the ninja way of good nutrition, practiced and achieved great physical fitness, and adopted healthy mind and body practices through meditation and doing mental exercises.

Use the practices of ninjas for your own healthy positive lifestyle. What ninja methods can be useful in everyday life? Understanding the way of the ninja can help you to be a ninja warrior. On this ninja day embrace and appreciate ninjas for what they did and their philosophy and physical and mental stealthiness.

๐Ÿฅท HOW to Celebrate & Observe International NINJA Day?

Not sure how to LOVE the day? We’ve got a few interesting ideas to consider that may help get you started.

Here are some activities that you can do on International NINJA Day!

๐Ÿ’™ TRAIN to be a Ninja

So you want to be a ninja like Matt Murdock from DareDevil? You could attend an actual ninja school. Iga Ninja School offers a fun crash course day of ninja training. This is more of a touristy thing to do. If you’re near Osaka the town of Akame Japan is two hours away. In April they start a five-week ninja festival which will definitely give you more of the real ninja experience.

๐Ÿ’™ READ a great book on the history of Ninjas

Knowing how to eat properly and making healthy nutrition choices can be difficult. Healthy eating is an important component of any ninja along with mastering the technical arts of covert affairs to infiltrate the enemy.

๐Ÿ’™ PRACTICE martial arts

Can’t seem to make it to Asia or Akame to get more hands-on training. You could practice cardio martial arts with Phoenix Carnivale, a wonderful MMA trainer and fitness pro from Daily Burn who teaches 365 classes.ย  She also teaches body conditioning for martial arts in the DB program Undefeated. You can get in on martial art action and other 365 multiple forms daily burnย  365 fitness classes for a very low cost. Daily Burn is adaptable for everyone.

๐Ÿ’™ RAISE Social Awareness

Use social media posts with the hashtags #InternationalNinjaDay, #NinjaDay, #Ninja, #DayoftheNinja, #SpecialInterestHolidays, #DecemberHolidays, #Holiday, #FindADayToLOVE, #iHEARTdays to support the importance of celebrating, promoting, and sharing with the world why you โค๏ธ International NINJA Day.

LEARN more about life & history of NINJAS



THREE Key Facts you never knew about International NINJA Day

  1. The word shuriken is not only the name of the well-recognized ninja throwing stars. Shuriken is the name of any object such as a knife or darts that ninjas would throw!
    Bestseller No. 2
    Bestseller No. 3
    Ace Martial Arts Supply Set of 5 Ninja Throwing Spikes with Wrist Sheath
    Ace Martial Arts Supply Set of 5 Ninja Throwing Spikes with Wrist Sheath
    5 piece SHARP spike set; Arm sheath; With red tassels
    $12.95 Amazon Prime
  2. Hattori Hanzo is one of the most famous Samurai and Ninjas throughout Japanese history. Though he wasn’t an actual ninja he did employ their techniques. Hattori was hired by the well-known Tokugawa family. Tokugawa Leyasu became one of the most famous rulers in Japan through Hattori Hanzo’s assistance.
  3. Mochizuki Chiyome, the wife of a samurai lord, is possibly the most notable female ninja of her time. Her life still is speculative as fictional. She operated an orphanage but in reality, she managed to enlist 300 women for an underground espionage training operation using the practices of ninjas. Unfortunately, evidence of this has long gone the way of legend. Training women, especially those that enjoy kickboxing or martial arts, can be motivated by the story of Chiyome’s life.

Future DATES for International NINJA Day

Year Date Day of the Week
2023 December 5 Tuesday
2024 December 5 Thursday
2025 December 5 Friday
2026 December 5 Saturday
2027 December 5 Sunday

๐ŸŽŽ Ninja FAQ

WHEN is International NINJA Day?

  • International NINJA Day is an annual celebration held on December 5th each year.

What are Ninjas’ THROWING WEAPONS called?

  • Shuriken

Why were Japan’s effective Ninja STRONGHOLDS?

  • The regions of Iga and Koga. These towns were isolated between two mountain ranges, which helped keep ninjas safe.

What was the nickname of the most famous Ninja – Hattori Hanzo?

  • He is known as the Demon and the Ghost. He owed his life to the shadows.

The Imp๐Ÿ’œrtance of International NINJA Day

Ninjas are one of, if not the most formidable strength and power in feudal Japan. We can learn a lot from ninjas. They can help motivate us to have a healthy mindset, make healthy choices and make fitness important. Follow the ways and preserve the art of the ninja.

Are You a NINJA?


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Written by Coastin Carl


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