
โœ… WOMEN’s HEALTHY WEIGHT Day 2026 โ€“ Jan 15

Weight a minute – it’s all about health, not size! Fit happens when you focus on strength, not the scales. The real beauty goal is a healthy self!

SUPPORT each other on the path to wellness. Commit to self-love and self-care by taking the first step toward a HEALTHIER you! ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

What does being a purple lady look like in 2025
To me this is the relationship between women, their positive perception of themselves, their worth and their relationship with a caring, loving and understanding spiritual connection to solidify their worth. The thing that represents governance in my case is Jesus Christ of Nazareth who lived a life of how we should live and care for each other.
This page is dedicated to my wonderful, beautiful, very talented sister Lauren Daegel. Thank You for touching my heart at a low point in my life and help me to have YHVH be the center of my life. Always hold on to hope. – Hopeful Optimist XOXO Lauren.


Francis Berg wrote prolifically about healthy weight and the ravages of obesity and its impact on the body. Berg established the day through her organization, the Healthy Weight Network.

โ€œThere is a healthy range for body fat percentage, but there are differences to consider, like age or gender. A healthy body fat range is 25-31% for women and 18-24% for men; this doesn’t consider age or athletic status.โ€Jan 4, 2024โ€ Baylor College of Medicine.

As we approach the NEW YEAR a NEW BEGINNING the 1st Day of Nisan Let’s consider what the previous years look like so we can understand theย  lessons we learned staying present in the here and now. Evaluate the goals you have that are short term and long term. This means to consider what is the driver that helps to define who you are for me although not quite the me from yesterday. I like to think of a type of Lady discussed in the Bible in Proverbs 31 as theย  โ€œPURPLE LADYโ€.ย  On this day, consider what defines who and what matters to you most and is reflexive of how you appear to the outside world. Care for yourself through bodily stewardship to the body you’ve been blessed with so you can be a light for others brothers and sisters and for Yehoshua.

PSALM 31 Speaks of this GODs Purple Ladiesย 

Purple Ladies Care for their husband and their children. My mother loved Christmas time. It was a time for family for Thanksgiving and for joy. She was the second most important closest relation in my life and Christmas is a time of joy to think about and to give recognition to the one that sustains you and is your strong tower.

Experience Is a Great Teacher

Women hold fast to your TRUE identity. You have so much to give if you believe in yourself. TRULY your heart must be steadfast. Weight and health is no exception. Proper guidance regarding weight is so important we can be our worst critics but we can also be critical of others. The truth is we are beautifully created and being a representation of God’s love. This truth helps us to be Purple Ladies – sisters. Believe in yourself because you have a purpose. Life has ups and downs but in the highs and lows there is one constant that you can be sure of that you as my sisters and brothers of Christ are worth something and God loves you.

Stewardship of your body is important because it shows you care about yourself and it helps you show self love. This beauty is external but more importantly beauty shines from within such as a smile and kindness. Kindness is free so we should give it freely. It’s free! You have the choice to make a difference in peoples . It’s easy to care about people that think like ourselves but less so in people in people that don’t. Think on this though everyone has a journey that they must walk and its easy to be in opposition to people that are not like you but you should. Like I said it costs nothing to be kind and better yet when you do you don’t let anyone make you feel less than so hang in there.

Now that I helped share some insight on that since I have a lot of experience in the fitness and nutrition field here are some resources that will help you navigate how to be a good steward of your body – of course check with your doctor of medical needs diet and exercise. Reference the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SPORTS MEDICINE. org. Exercise is medicine and learning to build healthy eating habits, sleeping, drinking sufficient water and meditating, having a prayerful life and being part of a church is the best way to have a healthy weight and body image. If you follow the basics of ACSM and myPLATE unless you need to follow doctors advice for specific medical conditions is the best way to help stay healthy.

NASM is in my opinion the very best in the United States for fitness and respected World Wide. Read Article – Healthy body image: Healthy Body Image You are More Than a Number.

Group fitness classes are held at gyms but it is best to see who is teaching the fitness classes. AFAA is their group fitness class section.

Don’t fall for lose weight quickly: Sustainable and consistent nutrition and optimal exercise based on your needs and enjoyment is best. Talk to a licensed personal trainer that has experience.

With so many diet books out there You may not know how to navigate what is best. Fact most diets fail they actually fail 95 percent of the time and lead to yo yo diets, it’s not good.

Knowing What to Eat to Support Staying Healthy

What can you do long term consider the 80 20 diet, Mediterranean Diet, or MIND or DASH these diets have been recognized by American Cancer Society, Diabetes org, American Heart Association.

There are a lot of fad diets that will tell you to do this and that. This advice may sound good and full of promises but it may not be the best diet for you. Consult doctors or registered Dietician or well qualified fitness professionals or personal trainers or sports medicine doctors that can defer to physical therapists they are there to help and the best resources to trust.

Registered Dieticians Health Line. com and Very gets rid of rigid fad diets or unrealistic workouts that don’t serve you with your body’s biomechanical needs.

I hold many degrees in college, fitness and Body Mind therapy with Jillian Micheals rather than provide a synopsis. This advice I hope helps provide a beacon of hope for health and well being. This is my prayer for you women that seek wellness but above all hold tight for who you are as a person and how God sees you. Keep believing. You are loved.

You were made a certain way out of LOVE. The Good Book teaches that man and woman are created equally in the image of God and together have dominion over the earth (Gen 1:26โ€“27). Their equality is not limited to spiritual standing before God, but applies to their dominion over the earth.

We have to love and care for the body Jesus blessed us with.

The purple lady in the Bible is Lydia of Thyatira, a seller of purple cloth or dyes in the ancient city of Philippi. She is described in the New Testament book of Acts.ย 

WOMEN’s HEALTHY WEIGHT Day is dedicated to promoting holistic health and body positivity among women, encouraging a focus on well-being rather than solely on weight. We do know itโ€™s celebrated on the 3rd Thursday in January.

The day was created by Francie Berg through her organization, the Healthy Weight Network. Berg, a licensed nutritionist and adjunct professor at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine, has been a prominent advocate for shifting the focus from weight to overall health. Her work emphasizes that losing weight can sometimes lead to harmful behaviors, and she encourages a more balanced approach to health.

In 1999, Francie Berg published the book “Women Afraid to Eat: Breaking Free in Today’s Weight-Obsessed World,” which addresses issues such as obesity, eating disorders, dysfunctional eating, and size prejudice. The book serves as a counterbalance to America’s increasing fixation with being slender and promotes a healthier, more accepting perspective on body image.

๐Ÿ’œ HOW to Celebrate & Observe WOMEN’S HEALTHY WEIGHT Day?

Not sure how to LOVE the day? We’ve got a few interesting ideas to consider that may help you get started.

Here are some activities you can do on WOMEN’S HEALTHY WEIGHT Day!

๐Ÿ’™ Healthy COOKING Class

Offer a cooking class that teaches how to prepare nutritious meals, stressing balance and variety without focusing on calorie counting.

๐Ÿ’™ REFLECTING on Our Bodies

Conduct a mindfulness or meditation session to help participants connect with their bodies and promote mental well-being alongside physical health.

๐Ÿ’™ COMMUNITY Fitness Event

Arrange a community walk, yoga session, or dance class to promote physical activity in a fun and inclusive environment.

๐Ÿ’™ HEALTH Check-ups

Take advantage of free or discounted personal health screenings and encourage proactive health management.

๐Ÿ’™ RAISE Social Awareness

Use social media posts with the hashtags #WomensHealthyWeightDay, #BodyPositivity, #WomensHealth, #HealthyLiving, #SelfCareFirst, #FitnessJourney, #HealthyHolidays, #JanuaryHolidays, #Holiday, #FindADayToLOVE, #iHEARTdays to support the importance of celebrating, promoting, and sharing with the world why you โค๏ธ WOMEN’S HEALTHY WEIGHT Day.

EIGHT Important Facts you never knew about WOMEN’S HEALTHY WEIGHT Day

  1. WOMEN’S HEALTHY WEIGHT Day embraces and celebrates body diversity, moving away from unrealistic societal standards.
  2. Body dissatisfaction can start as early as childhood going into adulthood.
  3. Around 60-80% of women report being unhappy with their body image.
  4. Losing just 5-10% of your body weight can significantly improve your overall health, reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions.
  5. Muscle is denser than fat, meaning it takes up less space in the body. That’s why strength training is crucial for metabolic health and a toned appearance, even if the scale doesn’t show a huge drop!
  6. Drinking water can boost metabolism and calorie burning by about 30% for up to 40 minutes.
  7. Poor sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate hunger, leading to increased appetite and potential weight gain. Quality sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy weight.
  8. Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, can temporarily help burn a few extra calories.

Famous PEOPLE also born around the 3rd Thursday in January


Year Date Day of the Week
2025 January 16 Thursday
2026 January 15 Thursday
2027 January 21 Thursday
2028 January 20 Thursday
2029 January 18 Thursday

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Written by Coastin Carl

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